Astrology is the study of how events on earth correspond to the positions and movements of astronomical bodies. Astrology is based on twelve Signs, twelve Houses, & twelve Planets. All other elements used in Astrology are either limbs or sub divisions of these Signs, Houses & Planets. These astronomical bodies included are the sun, moon, planets and stars. Astrology has been the domain of sages and Brahmins. Sages from pre Vedic era had very good knowledge of Astrology. To signify all these astrologically we use these Signs, Houses & Planets. Astrology is a science. All sciences have principles and rules. In Astrology there is principle to delineate these significator. Everybody, in Astrology field know the significator of general terms used such as vehicle, property, money, travel etc. but it is impossible to remember significator for all in this Universe. Astrologers believe these bodies and their movements reflect that person's character. Astrology has two main branches 1. Jaimini Astrology 2. Parashari Astrology both bears the name of Sages, Jaimini and Prashar respectively. A prediction could be for an individual, group or nation. This principle of Astrology is to be understood in detail to know how the significations of everything have been arrived at in the book. Both Jaimini and Parashar had different school of thought for the Falit. Jaimini gave emphasis on Degree of Planet in a House, different Ascendants and Aspects anp Dasa of Signs whereas Parashar emphasized on position of Planet in House and lordship of Planets, conjunction and Aspects of Planets and Dasas of Planets.
The origin of astrology is traced to the ancient Babylonians directly or indirectly and then it spreads to other countries. In as early as 3000 BC, Astrology was created. The Chaldeans created the original form of Astrology. The Chinese were practicing astrology by 2000 BC. Other varieties formed in ancient India. Today, Astrology is followed more widely than ever before. Astrology has become much more assessable by 900 phone numbers. These 900 numbers enable caller to talk to live Astrologers, who forecast their personalized forecast.
Abhishek Dhawan (Astrologer)
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